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market quest


market quest


Creating awareness of farmers' markets amongst children to increase the number of people who attend the Forsyth Farmers Market and in turn, increase sales.

1.Discover and Align

2. Co-create and Collaborate

3. Measure and Validate

How does market quest work?


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Interviews and proof of concept


We created a storyboard to illustrate how Market Quest would work and used it to speak with some parents, children, vendors, and management. They gave us a deeper vision with their comments and suggestions that helped us further develop and refine the final concept.


Vendors and Market Management

Provide comprehensive list of vendors, produce and seasonal availability at local markets.


Use user data from Market Quest to measure the farmers' markets Key Performance Indicators and metrics. 






Parents and Children

Play Market Quest during and after attending a farmers market. Explore farming, marketing, and small business ownership.





Market Quest

Provide the gamified learning experience through managing

a virtual stall, answering daily challenges, and fun facts.


Provide user data to vendors and management to measure key performance indicators.


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Jewish Alliance Education, Savannah


"The sense of independency,  (Samajae) will feel like she’s really shopping herself.  She will feel like a grown up."



Vendor & Farmer, Charleston Artisan  Cheesehouse


"If they could try new things, like micro-greens.

I watch kids and they turn their nose up at that but if they really taste it, that might change their mind."


Jewish Alliance Education, Savannah


"I like bringing kids into these kinds of things. They are still on their screens, but they are not watching a tv show, they are using it to learn and to interact with other people."


Lynette's daughter


"I will love to decorate the stall, like adding a selfie to my own booth at the market"




Pete's son


It gives kids a chance to learn how a farmer’s market works because I’m from New York and I never knew what a Farmers market was until we moved.


Market Manager


"The tokens are something the kids love, so even if they don’t get to spend them, and they get to hold them for mom, they are pumped about it."


Vendors and Market Management incentive


Even though people who visit the farmers' markets are the main target for Market Quest, we still had to consider how we could still be beneficial to vendors and management. These considerations would later help us think of how we could measure the future impact of the service for the different stakeholders involved.


Vendors incentive

If kids are invested in farmers’ markets, this could boost foot traffic at the market. More customers at a farmers'  market versus a grocery store chain helps keep the dollar in the local community.


Market Management Incentive

This service could help prove that kids are developing an interest in farmers’ markets. The markets then have a higher chance of receiving private sector funding. Overall, sparking interest for local produce shopping amongst the youth will help sustain the farmers' markets business.

Business Model Canvas

From Creating a Future Outcomes Framework, Lucy Kimbell


After speaking with parents, children, vendors, and management, we were able to establish a business strategy through the business model canvas. The canvas serves as an interactive visual chart of Market Quest's value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. It helps us align our activities as a service by illustrating how we make and spend money, and how we use resources while still fulfilling our value proposition to customers and users.

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The new journey with Tasha, Malik, and their parents


This new future-state blueprint visualizes a journey that incorporates Market Quest into the family's experience at the farmers' market with. The blueprint considers both the children and the parent's separate journeys.

Things to note from the Blueprint:

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The kids now have a motivator to try a sample: the daily challenges

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The kids can scan produce to add to their virtual stall. They receive  tokens for an actual purchase by scanning a stamp that Market Quest provides to vendors

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Malik is awarded tokens through a referral option in the app. Thus allows the user base to grow.

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